Brock Higley

Spotlight on First-Generation Success: Stories from the Broadcast Booth to the Boardroom

The Unique Journey of a First-Gen Graduate

Hello everyone, Brock Higley here! As a first-generation college graduate myself, I’ve always felt a deep connection to the unique challenges and triumphs that come with being the first in your family to attend college. Today, I want to share not just my story but also the inspiring stories of other first-gen professionals who have made significant strides in fields ranging from media to corporate America. Our journeys are different, but our experiences share common threads of resilience, determination, and breaking new ground.

Stepping Into the Unknown

Embarking on the college journey as a first-gen student often means stepping into the unknown without a roadmap. For me, attending Emerson College was both exhilarating and daunting. I had no family history in higher education to guide me or to set expectations. Everything from applying for financial aid to choosing classes was a learning curve. This part of my life taught me the importance of asking questions, seeking mentors, and using every resource available—a mindset that has been invaluable throughout my career.

For many first-gen students, this leap into the unknown extends beyond academia. When you’re the first in your family to enter a professional field, especially competitive ones like broadcast journalism or the corporate world, the stakes feel even higher. You’re not just pursuing personal success; you’re setting a precedent for your family and community.

Building a Support Network

One of the critical elements of navigating post-college life as a first-gen graduate is building a robust support network. In my early days at Emerson and later as a reporter, I quickly realized the importance of finding allies—peers, mentors, and even professors who understood my background and could offer advice based on real experience. This network didn’t just support me academically and professionally; it was also a cornerstone of emotional support, helping me through moments of doubt and frustration.

I’ve seen similar stories in my peers. Take, for example, Maria, a friend and fellow first-gen graduate who climbed the ranks to become a marketing executive. She often shares how her mentors played a pivotal role in her career, providing guidance on everything from resume writing to strategic decision-making. Her story underscores a universal truth: behind most successful first-gen stories are supportive mentors and a community that uplifts one another.

Embracing and Overcoming Challenges

Every first-gen story has its share of challenges—impostor syndrome, financial hurdles, and sometimes the heavy responsibility of familial expectations. For me, balancing the high expectations I set for myself with the reality of my inexperience in the field was a constant battle. There were times when I felt out of place among peers who seemed to come from a lineage of college-educated professionals.

However, these challenges also breed resilience. They teach us to be adaptable, resourceful, and relentless in pursuit of our goals. I’ve learned to turn every challenge into a learning opportunity, whether it was mastering a new piece of editing software on the fly or handling a difficult interview on live TV. These experiences didn’t just build my resume; they built my character.

Celebrating Milestones

One of the most joyous aspects of being a first-gen graduate is the ability to celebrate milestones that might seem ordinary to others but are monumental for us. Graduating, landing that first job, or even leading a project can feel like significant victories. They are not just personal achievements but milestones for our families and communities as well.

Reflecting on my graduation day, the pride in my parents’ eyes was something I’ll never forget. It was a testament to their sacrifices and a celebration of new possibilities. Each subsequent career milestone has been a shared joy, and a reminder of why the hard work is worth it.

Paying It Forward

Now, as I navigate my career and life in Arizona, one of my passions is helping other first-gen students find their path. Whether it’s through mentoring, workshops, or simply sharing my story, I strive to pay forward the help and inspiration I received. It’s my way of helping to build a bridge for those who will follow.

For every first-gen out there, remember you’re not just forging a path for yourself. You are trailblazing for your family and for future generations. The journey might be tough, but it is also filled with potential for profound personal and professional growth.

To all aspiring first-gen students and professionals, keep pushing forward, keep asking questions, and most importantly, keep believing in your ability to succeed. You are not alone in this journey, and the triumphs you achieve are worth every challenge faced along the way. Here’s to our continued success, from the broadcast booth to the boardroom and beyond!